Dec 21, 2017
The "movie event" of the year is here - Star Wars: The Last Jedi! Who died? Who Lived? Did they do anything new this time? We answer all that and more here!
Bonus! We have a YouTube channel now where we will be posting all episodes for your viewing pleasure.
Dec 14, 2017
Its Star Wars Season! AND Holiday Season! So we're celebrating both with this... "film" that's "about" "things" and also TOTALLY isn't a plot by the CIA to continue a perpetual war against the Soviet Union.
Dec 7, 2017
This week, we DEFINITIVELY do not care if Die Hard is a Christmas movie or not. Its a good movie okay? Watch it if you want to. We're not stopping you. Oh and we talk about people who die and how some of those deaths are a little uncomfortable thirty years later.
Nov 30, 2017
We take a stab at something new - A kids movie. And its a good movie too, which feels like a rarity for us. Come listen as we dive deep into Coco and find ourselves and our own mortality looking back!
Reggie Ugwu - How Pixar Made Sure 'Coco' Was Culturally Conscious
Bob Chipman - MovieBob Reviews: COCO...
Nov 22, 2017
For our last episode on the DCEU (for now...) Jackson takes the reign and guides us through a winding road of criticisms and compliments. Sean holds on tight, hoping not to get lost while trying to make some jokes along the way.